
Water and Sanitation Issues in India

Access to safe water in India is a challenge for a large proportion of the population. According to UN and UNICEF data, 44% of rural households in India lack access to a safely managed water supply and 54% lack safe sanitation. The situation in schools is also serious, with 26% of schools having a limited or no water service and 14% lacking access to sanitation of any kind.


of schools have a limited or no water service
*The WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP)​


of schools lack any sanitation.
*The WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP)​

Planet Water
Foundation In India

Planet Water Foundation has been active in India since 2009, and deployed over 580 clean water projects during this time, providing access to clean, safe water to over 960,000 people.

Our work includes the deployment of over 520 AquaTower water filtration systems which have been deployed in elementary schools across the country in conjunction with our water health and hygiene education program. Together, our solutions are helping to bring clean, safe water access to students, teachers and members of the communities surrounding our project sites.

Currently, our focus is on clean water projects in Gujarat, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, and Utta Pradesh.

Our students are from a very poor socio-economic background. They are lagging behind in many aspects and the absence of safe water further puts them at a disadvantage. The AquaTower is a great gift to us because it will help improve the health, academic and behavioral outcomes of our children.
Mr. Suryavanshi, Teacher
Our community's remote location contributes to our difficulty with adequate and equitable access to clean water. Because of the water filtration system you donated, our students can now easily drink clean water, wash their hands with soap, and share this valuable resource to their families.
Mr. S.S. Shinde, School Superintendent

Our Project Clusters

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