May 2024 – Following the devastating flooding in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, Planet Water Foundation mobilized a major response to to support impacted communities in the region with emergency water filtration systems to provide access to safe drinking water.

Upon the call for global assistance, Planet Water Foundation swiftly responded, mobilizing our partners to support the provision of clean, safe water to affected communities.
AquaBlock emergency water systems were airlifted from our logistics hub into São Paulo Brazil and then transported via land to Rio Grande do Sul and to the disaster zones.
Our disaster response team then coordinated closely with local authorities and the Rio Grande do Sul state government to spearhead the deployment, installation and operation of the water filtration systems.

Through this cooridination, deployment sites were identified in Lami, Laranjal, Santa Barbara, Ilha Grane dos Marinheiros, Illha do Pavao, Illha das Flores, Ilha da Pintada and Cidade Dom Feliciano, some of the most isolated and worst affected communities in Pelotas City and Porto Alegre.

Many of the areas were accessible only by military trucks, as flood waters and damaged infrastructure had rendered regular transportation impossible. These remote places were dependent on water trucks that deliver a limited supply of water once a day, which was far from sufficient to meet the needs of affected communities. To reach the residents in need, assistance was provided by the local WASH cluster, UNICEF, the civil defense, local water authorities, the fire department, and the Marine Corps.