
Water and Sanitation Issues in Thailand

Whilst a basic water supply is available across Thailand, access to safe drinking water remains a challenge, with many people reliant on bottled water for their water needs and the associated costs which come with purchasing it. This poses challenges for many low income earners.

Planet Water
Foundation In Thailand

Planet Water Foundation has been active in Thailand since 2009, and deployed clean water projects providing access to clean, safe water to over 80,000 people.

Our work includes the deployment of our AquaTower water filtration systems which have been deployed in elementary schools in conjunction with our water health and hygiene education program. Together, our solutions are helping to bring clean, safe water access to students, teachers and members of the communities surrounding our project sites.

Currently, our focus is on clean water projects in Sa Kaeo Province.

We lack safe drinking water and our students need to fetch water from an old water station that is far from their classrooms. We are deeply grateful for the AquaTower because the children now have an ample supply of potable water and it will significantly reduce our dependence on bottled water. It is a great addition to our school facilities.
Ekkapong Bootsong - School Director
We had been relying on bottled water for a large part of our water consumption, so this facility will greatly reduce our need to purchase water for our students. We are thankful that we now have a readily-available supply of drinking water right in our school. With each person having to drink 2-3 liters a day, this project really means a lot to our community.
Kosoom - School Director

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